Learnings SEO
Cambios de LaGrossa y ParkGuellTL;DR Desindexar es lento (2-3w), si se fuerza con webmaster tools es muy rápido (24h) Indexar es rápido si se envía por webmaster tools (24h), sin enviar es más lento Posicionar es mucho, mucho más lento que indexar Indexar Cosas a tener en cuenta sobre la página de ParkGuell.es: Hay un sitemap.xml que enlaza a todas las […]
Sortida Tucana 21 – Vilanova i la Geltrú (09/08/2015)
Per fi ahir vam fer la primera sortida amb veler des de que m’he tret el PER. Vam fer una sortida petita de 4 hores a Vilanova i la Geltrú amb un Tucana Sail 21.Vaig escollir aquest veler ja que només té 21 peus d’eslora i ho vaig trobar raonable per una primera sortida com […]
Gavi the Trovit mascot
Have you ever tried to make your own? It’s a little bit difficult, but it is very fun and grateful.Last week with my team at Trovit we have created a mascot for our team. It is Gavi: As we have a vector file with it, I’ve modified it a little bit to build the teddy. […]
Microwave popcorn with a KO microwave
Have you ever wanted to eat popcorns, but you had microwave popcorns and the microwave broken?Today I had this sad situation, and I didn’t want to go to the supermarket to buy “normal” corn. As my microwave is going to be broken for some time, I have decided to use the microwave corn to cook […]
Super git commands
Last week I was talking with a friend that was preparing a introduction course to git. We were talking about the basic git commands and some super-git commands. I decided to make a post about some commands that I find very useful. For each one there is a short description, a use example and some […]
DIY: GoPro tripod support
A tripod mount for the GoPro can be bought from the official website or from a lot different websites. But you can also make one yourself, it’s very easy! Material you need: Wood: 50 mm x 35 mm x 80-120 mm Nut of 1/4-20 (1/4″ diameter, 20 threads per inch) GoPro flat adhesive mount Tools: […]
STAlertView – UIAlertView with blocks
While developing an iOS app, usually you have to show an alert view. The code to show it is very simple, but as most of the UKit components, it works with the delegate pattern. Working with delegates is easy, but the resulting code is split between two parts. The part where the component is initialized, […]
Push notifications iOS8
Push management on iOS8 To migrate an app that uses push notifications from iOS7 to iOS8, you must change some methods. Register the app to receive push The method registerForRemoteNotificationTypes has been deprecated, and now you must use registerUserNotificationSettings. To have compatibility with both versions you can use this code: Check if the user has […]
Conversion rate
Improve the number of users that visit your platform store app page and download your app. Usually while promoting a mobile app, we focus on getting people go to the platform market (App store or Google Play, for instance). We try to maximize the users that click links to the stores to improve the number […]
LinkedIn network evolution
Last monday a great LinkedIn tool was discontinued, I’m talking about inMaps (inMap is colsed). It was developed in a LinkedIn hackathon by one of their employers, it provided the user with an interactive graph of his network. The user was at the center, and for each contact there was a bullet. Between each person […]